Monday, June 13, 2011


Last week we had a few sticky hot days, and Adam and I were sick of BBQing things (this affliction has since been cured).  I had bought a giant thing of Kale, you know, for it's Iron boosting properties and general good health vibes.  What the hell can I do with KALE I thought? Soup. So, I made this soup on a 40 degree humidex day.  Normally I wouldn't have used as much convenience food as I did but I was time constrained, but canned beans and lentils are in my pantry at all times because, let's face it, they're easy.   Prep to bowl approx 30 minutes.  Not bad.
(BTW, excuse the mixes of imperial and metric, it's just how I roll)


Simmering away! awesome.
- 1/2 lb of turkey kielbasa (250g) sliced and quartered (slices a 1/2 CM or 1/4" thick)
- 1lb of Kale, big fat ends removed, stems chopped into 1" pieces, leaves chopped.
- 19 oz can diced or italian style stewed tomatoes (if using plain diced, add 2 extra t of italian seasoning to the soup)
- 1 medium carrot - julienned
- 1 small onion - small dice
- 2 cloves of garlic, minced fine
- 1 can of lentils drained and rinsed
- 1 900 ml container of low salt chicken broth
- 1 C+ water
- salt and pepper
- 1T oil
- 1t italian seasoning
- 1t dried thyme

Get a large pot and put it on medium heat.  Add your oil and let warm up for a few minutes.  Add your onion, garlic, Kielbasa, and carrot and stir around about 6 or 7 minutes until onion is turning translucent and kielbasa is getting nice and brown.  Add tomatoes, broth, thyme, italian seasoning, water, kale and stir (the pot will seem full, but the kale will cook down).  Bring to a boil and then simmer for 10 minutes - if it
does look like it's drying out, add a bit more water.  Add lentils, and heat through.  Salt and pepper to taste. 

All served up w/ parmesan
Serve with toast, top with fresh grated parmesan cheese.

*note: This is a very versatile soup, white beans would go  well - chickpeas perhaps?  If you have the time, a bit of extra water and half cup of uncooked lentils would work really well during the boiling process (would just need to boil longer and add kale later).  Spinach or chard or collards instead of kale, any kind of sausage will do...chorizo? pre-cooked italian sausage? whatever!  Tofu Sausage? NO sausage? Soup is fun, and it's something that I like to do with things I have on-hand already. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks good! Also kale chips are a nice treat, rip the kale up into bite sized pieces and put it on a baking pan, drizzle olive oil and sprinkle some kosher salt on there. Bake for about ten minutes at 350 and you get a nice crunchy treat. My kids love them!
