Friday, August 12, 2011

watermelons cuke me up!

Plated on arugla, topped with feta

Sounds like an odd combo here, doesn't it?  I had (no, have, since I still have 3/4 of it) a watermelon, and of course the garden fresh cucumbers and beautiful Roma tomatoes and basil from my backyard.
I was also inspired by the recipe in my runners world magazine, it's not online yet, but I'll post a link to it (actually, I sort of wish I made that one, but it would need a firmer melon since it calls for yogurt based dressing)

Watermelon, Cucumber, Tomato salad

Most of the ingredients!

1 cup of cubed peeled cucumber (if not seedless, take the seeds out)
1 cup of seeded roma tomatoes (Cherry, grape can also be used)
2.5 cups of seedless diced watermelon
1 T of basil leaves, sliced thin
1 T of scallions, minced fine
3 T of Renee's spring herb italian vinagrette
Juice of half a lemon
pinch of kosher salt
feta cheese

Cut the cukes, and seed
handful of baby arugula

Cut and seed the cucumber and romas in approx 3/4" dice
Cut the watermelon in approx 3/4" dice
Mix the two together, add a pinch of salt, and place in a strainer over a large bowl for about 20 minutes (in the fridge if you have room)

Meanwhile combine the scallion, vinagrette, lemon juce, herbs and another small pinch of salt and mix well

draining the melon, cuke, tomato mixture

Place your strained fruit in a bowl, combine with dressing, toss to combine.  Serve within an hour over some arugula leaves (don't go bananas), top with some crumbled feta.

Cooks Notes:  You could do this many ways.  I'll try it again differently for sure.   It was one of those recipes where I thought I'd think it was awesome and Adam would be like 'meh' but quite the opposite.  I got very positive feedback from him where I thought it was good but not spectacular.  I think honeydew would be superior in this (not as watery, not as sweet) the dressing could be a nice homemade balsamic vinagrette, or lemon vinagrette, or as in the kraft recipe, a greek style dressing.  The cheese, goats cheese even blue cheese (if you like it) would be good (nice contrast to the sweetness of it)  Baby spinach instead of arugula.  Could also use more herbs.  Mint would be real nice.   It's a watery salad (watermelon, duh), so serving in a separate bowl would be ideal.  The arugula was added for colour and a bitter contrast to the melon's sweetness.  It worked.

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