Sunday, April 24, 2011

Pucker Up!

Right now I have a cold, so there will be several posts coming shortly as I'm not so productive in other areas.  The Easter dinner I hosted tonight was great!  But more on that in another post....

What I want to talk about now very quickly was the cooking course I took at my friendly neighborhood Loblaws a few evenings ago.   I've wanted to take one of these for the last...oh...forever but I always put it off, but last week I said 'dammit, I'm learning how to cook with lemons!' so I signed up to the class "Pucker Up for Spring"

Lemon pasta w/ seafood and asparagus!

I wasn't sure what to expect, actually, but I liked the delivery and I learned a few tips and a few things from the chef for sure.   Basically the 'class' sits there and watches the chef as they give tips on what they are doing, explain the ingredients, and of course you get to ask questions.  As the dishes are prepared, you get some samples (which ruled since I was STARVING).  Anyway, the chef...she was super cool, her name was Monique Ferron-Jobin (from Sudbury, google her and you'll find other classes and things she does), by trade a pastry chef but of course was quite proficient in all things culinary.  She was a HOOT.  I really enjoyed being here and I really enjoyed the dishes.

On the sly I took a couple of photos of what we ate.  The pasta was fantastic.   I'll post recipes though, only once I've tested them myself.   :)
Crispy Oven Fried chicken.
Lemon Pasta w/ Asparagus and sea scallops (and shrimp)
Lemon sponge cake (w/ lemon curd and whip cream).

Anyway, for those curious about these courses, and if you like or even passively like cooking - give one of these a shot!  I'm thinking of taking a Vietnamese food course next :)

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