Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wonderful Wedding

*note, more photos coming soon

Wow, what a weekend in food!  Not much cooking to be done (thank god) but much eating was done!!!  My sister's wedding was a memorable one to say the very least and here is a snapshot of what we were up to food wise during the wedding and my thoughts! thoughtys

Thursday evening Alright now I’m not really 'reviewing' this but it's more to say that this really set the tone for the whole weekend.  The groom's family hosted a wonderful delicious including meatballs in tomato sauce, lasagne, spiral sliced ham, veg salad (with simple yet wonderful oregano oil based dressing) and cheesecake bars for dessert, awesome!

Friday night we went to the KEG manor, this place is cool in that it provides ambience and some private areas. Basically, it's an old house and reminded me of the (former) Friday's roast beef house in some ways.  We were in a private-ish area with some nice natural light and good ambience.  The wine was good!  I drank a glass of Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon to go with my meal.

Bad photo - excellent meal!!

Overall, this is about the best Keg meal I have ever had, maybe because I was really hungry - or maybe because it really was that good.
I chose the teriyaki sirloin classic dinner with baked potato, rare, with a bouquet of Dungeness crab and a starter of caesar. The ceasar was lighter than I remember, and this is a good thing as I do enjoy a tangy light Caesar over heavier creamier ones.
Now I'll admit, I like crab a lot but I'm a bit inexperienced with it (as I am with all seafood), I'm not so bad at king crab but Dungeness is another story.  I made a mess of the shells (I was the last one to finish eating) but it was tasty and very interactive.  A really nice touch was keeping the butter over a tea light flame to stay melted.  I’m glad I didn't spill it because it was in-fact boiling and might have hurt someone :)   I also ate my sisters (now) husband's cheesecake remainders - ha! It was alright but very status quo.

Saturday - Oh what a night it was!  I mean this day was busy, and I did the best I could with eating well throughout the day and evening, it worked out and I felt just fine the next day - which is a good thing.
I won't get into the nitty gritty details of the day but there was a cocktail hour (and a late night snack table which was identical) where they served cheese and crackers, small sandwiches, veggie tray, some hot hors d'ouvres - nothing really stood out but nothing was bad either. 

Main:   We started with a garden salad and with it had (I think) a sun dried tomato dressing, it was a nice start but then we had a really good main, probably the best banquet chicken I've had.  It was a chicken masala (breast) with mushroom sauce served with roasted potatoes, baby carrots, broccoli florets, and a lovely parmesan tomato on the side with a small sprig of thyme sticking out - love the detail!  They did a great job for having over a hundred people to serve.  The temperature of the meal was good and the food was not over or under done (at least from my viewpoint).  I ate it all!
Wines: Were they Lindemans'? Or a Canadian white? I'm not sure, but I really liked the wine, maybe too much.  The white was definitely chardonnay, that I can tell you.
Dessert: Was a frozen chocolate mousse bombe with strawberry on the inside - basically it was ice cream by any other name but if you know me, you know frozen desserts are my thing and I ate the whole thing! and some of the brides' too! heh heh ;)
Cake: My sister's friend made the cake, it was lovely! A dense and moist vanilla cake with vanilla bean in it was very vanilla-y (is that a word) and I really liked it.  The vanilla buttercream filling was excellent. I wish I was hungrier or I would have eaten more.  I was picking the cake crumbs off the tray when we were packing it up (yes, I am classy like that)

DELICIOUS! Surprise sandwich

Sunday - Well the wedding's over and after I put in my pot roast into the crock pot (see previous post) Adam and I headed downtown for the possibility of going out to breakfast (and to get the car, and get all of my stuff from my parents hotel room).  We didn't end up going out with wedding attendees, but we DID go to Cora's which was awesome.  It was one of those perfect times at Cora's where you beat the line-up (because as soon as we sat down there were people hanging out the door).  I had the SUPRISE and it was good as usual (a french toast sandwich with cheese, ham and fried egg in it topped with fruit, all the elements I like in breakfast)

It's Thursday now, I'm still tired :)   EASTER WEEKEND is coming upon us and I will be sharing some AWESOME recipes in the coming days.


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