Monday, July 18, 2011

positively RIBbing

I've never made good ribs at home.  It's true, I tried once using the boiling method and they sucked ass.  Like, sucked.  These sucked alot less.  Not exactly fall of the bone OMG best ribs ever, but meaty, not fatty, and quite tasty.  Tasty enough to make them again.

Finishing tasty ribs on the grill
I bought back ribs.  Now you can get side ribs as well but they are fattier, tougher, and not as meaty.  These are not what i would consider "baby" back ribs, as they were enormous.  BUT I did like them alot.  Good stuff.

As Adam said "MMMM *smack* these are good!...For home-made ribs" (basically alluding to nothing can touch the ribs you buy at a place like Baton Rouge).  So last night we saved some money, as these ribs cost less than $8 TOTAL. :)

Inspired here but with changes, of course i made half (so I'll post what I did):



Dinner is served!

RUB (there may be some leftover):
Whisk together:
4t unsweetened cocoa powder
1t garlic powder
2t onion flakes
1/4t cayenne
2t grated sea salt
1/4C packed brown sugar

Other ingredients:
1/4-1/2C smoky thick BBQ sauce
2-3 lb of ribs (you'll have leftover rub)


Take the underside layer of 'skin' off

- Preheat oven to 350
- Cut the clear layer of skin (it's not really skin, it's like connective tissue) and tear off the bottom of the ribs (see photo)
- Cut Ribs into manageable portions (2-4 ribs per portion)
- Generously coat with rub.  I let them sit for several hours before roasting (if you do this don't preheat your oven!) but you can roast right away.
- Place ribs in foil lined roasting pan, cover with foil, roast for 1 hour
- Preheat BBQ to medium-low heat (about 350 degrees)
- Place Ribs on BBQ and turn frequently (4-5x) for about 15 minutes, basting with your favourite smoky BBQ sauce (tangy isn't going to work as nicely) until a nice smoky BBQ char is upon them
- Serve with napkins!
- Makes enough for 3 adults (or 2 very hungry ones)
- Serve with your favourite summer sides (slaw? Potato salad? roasted apples? pasta salad? garden salad? corn on the cob? corn bread?)
Rubbed and ready to bake!

Cooks notes: 
Par roasting is better than par boiling, but I think if I do this again, (or any rib recipe, I mean) I'll either go for the slow cooker, or, possibly braise the ribs in seasoned water or broth for several hours and then finish on the grill, kind of like a stew.  That way you break down connective tissue, have a more tender flavoured meat.  Any rib fans out there have great ideas for more tender ribs?  Would love to hear it!

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