Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Liam Maguire, who is this guy anyway?

You know, today was one of those days where even though I had an awesome lunch made I wanted to go out.  So I solicited some of my favourite colleagues (T and littleC) in hopes that we could do lunch - they obliged!  Funny enough we didn't even have to ponder where we were going, as T had already decided for us - Liam Maguire's - a known pub on St. Laurent which has served us multiple times in the past.

Simple soup and sandwich
I mean, the place is decent, about what you  might expect for a typical pub, although more highboy chairs than anything, but that's alright.  We got a cozy half booth corner, perused the menu's and waited for our drink order to be taken.......and waited......and then the waitress came!  But to another table, so we waited some more......and then we waited....littleC slumped over and T complaining about how hungry she is, this was not starting off well.

What seemed like an enternity (me, I was in no rush but it still felt long) we finally got drink service and an apology, nice touch.   We mentioned we were ready to order as well and the waitress said 'well, whatever works' - lunch works for me thanks! :)

The lunch specials available were reasonable prices ($9.99) with nice sounding offerings, including pizza subs, tuna melt, BLT, and other lunch type fare.  I decided on the half club with the soup of the day (tomato) My cohorts got burgers, T ordered the Chef's burger descibed as "A taste sensation, topped with cream cheese, roasted corn salsa & jalapeno rings."   What a description for a burger!

The Chef's burger, burrrrrgerrrr...*drool*

The drinks arrived in good time and the food shortly there-after.   My club sandwich was pretty standard (albeit a but mushy), which is good, because sometimes clubs can be mucked up.  The tomato soup was served with baguette chips and shockingly (yes, shockingly) was made with real tomatoes (even if they were canned, I'm not against that at all), I was shocked at that, so it tasted fresh but sadly lacked much depth of flavour or seasoning.  I'm not going to hold this against them too much because many tomato soups are meant to be a lighter acidic flavour experience.  A dash of salt went a long way and I rather enjoyed it with the crisps. The portion was spot on, but I will say if I you were pretty hungry - order the whole thing.

T's burger, according to her was outstanding, one of the best she's ever had.   So the description was right!  I might just have to try that burger next time I visit.  LittleC seemed content with his offering, mentioning it was good, I can only think that means one thing - it was infact good.

Discerning palettes left the place with full tummies and happy feelings, it's nice to get out of the office and do something different.   This restaurant isn't a star, or anything spectacular, but it's reliable, decent food and good for a work lunch.  It looks like an ideal place to enjoy watching sports with your buddies (as most pubs I would say, are)

I know I'll be there again if only for the proximity,  hopefully I can get in a drink order in less than 15 minutes next time.

Who is that Liam guy anyway? Go to the restaurant's website here:   follow the link on the main page, and find out for yourself :)

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