Thursday, February 24, 2011

sweet potato o' mine!!

*cue the guitar riff and screechy voice 80's style*

This post isn't about the steak.

One potato..TWO potato..
similar but different
The steak was good, last night when I came home I asked A if he'd rather have a more cajun inspired steak preparation or a more italian inspired steak preparation.  We went for cajun, it was delicious (a bit well for my liking but good nonetheless) But like I said, this is not about the steak.

This is about the sweet potato!  I haven't been eating these for very long (maybe 5 years?) and when I first had them I wondered "where have you been all my life!?!?"  Two weeks ago shopping I noted PURPLE skinned sweet potatoes on sale and I had to pick up a few.  I had never cooked with them, never even noticed them in the store before that point.   I was excited, I love trying new foods, and seeing if they work.  Sure, this isn't a large stretch but hey, let's go for it.  I'll treat it similarly to sweet potatoes of the past...

This post is about the simple side dish I made: 

with avocado dipping sauce for 2   YUM.  and easy.

What you need:
2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into wedges (I used one purple and one and one orange one)
2 t of vegetable oil
1/8t salt
dash of garlic powder
about 2t or so of cajun seasoning (PC makes a good one, clubhouse makes a good one too)
I baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray (or brushed with oil)

Directions:  Preheat oven to 425F
Take your peeled sweet potatoes and toss them in the vegetable oil in a large bowl, stir with your hands until they are nice and coated
While you shake the bowl sprinkle on the cajun seasoning and garlic powder until everything looks nicely coated.
Place your wedges on a baking sheet sprinkle with a bit of salt (if you like it salty!)
Bake for about 20-25 minutes until nice and brown, flip halfway through.

For the dipping sauce:
Peel and chop up half of a nicely ripe avocado, put it in a mini food processor with the juice of a half lime, a tablespoon of light mayo, dash of salt, and a small clove of raw garlic chopped up.  Whiz this up until you have a lovely smooth paste.  Put in small serving vessels for dipping
*note, fresh coriander or ground coriander seeds work extremely well in this, if you like kick, maybe a dash of hot sauce would work for you!

Steak dinner, roasted sweeties and a
messy shot of avocado!

Personal Notes:
This dish was successful, very flavourful for sure, and the smooth avocado and mayo combo definitely hit the spot in my books. 

The surprise was the purple skinned potato was actually WHITE on the inside!  Funny eh?  When I was peeling I had no idea what I was going to be in for - but you know what?  Once prepared I actually found this version of the sweet potato alot more creamy in texture than it's orange counterpart.

If you see this purple sweet potato in your store, I highly recommend you pick up a few and try your favourite sweet potato recipes, sure it doesn't have the colour but MAN does it ever have the flavour

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