Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tick-tock-clocktower brew pub

 It was Friday evening, I wasn't very hungry, but A was. We had intended to go to a pub close-by but there was no parking, as it was an unusually mild February day and many people (as expected!) were out for dinner. So after driving around pondering what to do next, A had the grand idea of going to Clocktower in New Endinburgh - a bit off the beaten path for us but a place we are both generally fond of.

Panang Beef Curry @ the Clocktower
This evening was no exception, we got to Clocktower at the height of dinner hour and ended up getting a seat, on the tall stools near the back,  but that was OK - the place was busy but not alarmingly so. On this night it seemed though that there may have been a staff shortage. After sitting down it took a long time for A and I to get a drink order in, neither of us in a rush though we both order in-house brewed beers. I had a pint of Kolsch (A personal favourite, easy drinking, some fruity notes, generally clean and smooth) and A had a pint in Bytown Brown (a very flavourful beer, dark coloured but not overbearing in taste, has nice full flavour profile but is not overbearing and doesn't stick to the palette). These came in good time along with an order taking.

Meatball Pizza - delicious!

We both got specials! The specials at the Clocktower tend to be good at least from past personal experience. I ordered the curry of the week (thai style Panang curry) and Adam ordered the pizza of the week (meatball and cheese - really, how could he not order this?)

When our order came the curry was underwhelmingly portioned, as was the pizza. We were a bit disappointed in this but not on the taste.

The curry was quite flavourful, if not a bit hot for a generally mild curry. The beef was tender enough. My only beef (ha ha) with it was the smaller than expected portion size and the fact that it was a tad watery, much of the sauce did no cling to the rice noodles and ended up soupy at the bottom of the bowl, much stirring as I ate (maybe serve on rice next time??) - but it was good tasting, I really liked it.

The meatballs on A's meatball pizza were delicious, although the rest was pretty basic and straightforward. The crust used at the clocktower is thin enough and the toppings not overwhelming. But again, the portion was maybe a bit shy for A's appetite.
 Overall, good experience at the clocktower - great beer, good food, nice pub atmosphere without too many frills. I like it that way.

Visit it online:

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